Monday, April 13, 2009

Ten Probing Questions

Girl IRL tries to breath a little life into the somewhat sleepy WAR blogging community with 10 probing questions. They're good questions too, and I'm happy to play along.

1. What is your current main character’s name (or names, if you play multiple games)? Explain how you chose the name.

Czarnal. So this is a good example of how I choose names. I get a feel for the character class/race and then I sort of dig through names I like from fiction other games whatever. In this case, I'd just finished Neil Gaiman's American Gods which has a russian (I guess) god in it named Czernobog. Cool name, I thought. So I toyed with different variations on that name until I reached Czarnal. Now, truly, when I was reading the book, I was pronouncing the name Chair-no-bog in my head, may or may not be right, but after I'd picked Czarnal and started leveling him, I realized that my toon's name would likely be prounded Zar-nal (which is uncomfortably close to Arnold) insted of (Char-nal) as I had imagined. Oh well. Them's the breaks.

2. What was the name of your very first character in an MMO? Explain how you chose that name.

My first MMO character was in WoW ... a female night elf rogue (original, I know). Her name was Ashran. Yeah, I got in pretty early. The idea for that name came from an RPG character I'd had named Intima Ashrain. ... Modify and enjoy. Other WoW toon names I've had that I quite like: Bellacose (from bellicose ...modify obscure words into names is good too) and Sephira (from Sephiroth, FFVII) I guess Sephira is also an Eragon character, but it was accidental.

Oh, another naming thing. I like names that shorten nicely. People aren't going to type your full name, so think of how they'll truncate it. This can go really wrong, as my friend Tanith found out in WoW when his pally's name got shortened from Mordesa to ...



3. Have you kept a specific name through various games, or do you tend to change your naming habits based on the individual game?

No, I'm not really about that. Each character deserves a fresh name imo.

4. Do you ever reserve names, planning to use them for characters that you might play later? If so, what are they and why do you hold on them?

I don't. See 3 above. I feel like I can find a good name even if lots are taken.

5. Of the three common archetypes in MMOs — tank, healer, DPS — which is your current main character?

Czarnal is ...well a tank class, but now he's specced DPS (Rending Blade, natch)... we'll see what happens post-rending blade nerf.

I really don't see the point to speccing corruption. I'm sure there's good tanking stuff in there, but it seems pretty thin ROI given that a lot of speccing in WAR (at least for chosen) is upgrading damage from your various attacks.

6. What archetype was your very first character in an MMO? Why did you choose it?

Ashran as I've said was a rogue, melee dps. MDPS is a good starter role i think. Gets you up close to the action, decent soloability, not too much responsibility.

7. Are you usually attracted to one archetype over another, or do you play them equally? Why?

Well I like to tank and to heal for the responsibility that comes in those roles. I like ranged DPS the least, though my raiding main in WoW (Sephira) was a warlock and I did a lot of content that way. Too easy to autopilot for my tastes.

8. What is your favorite feature from an MMO you no longer play?

I miss the breadth and complexity of WoW's dungeons. So many of them, most with fun complications and interesting designs.

9. Is there an MMO that you would play if it was free? Which and why?

I might play WoW again if it was free, or LOTRO which is yin to WAR's yang. Maybe Lineage II just for the sexy characters?

10. How do you measure the success of a character in an MMO (total kills, titles accumulated, wealth, rare items collected, level reached, etc.)?

Tricky. I think I've always sort of judged by fairly basic guides: do I have endgame gear? Have I done end-game content? When the end-game of an MMO is really working there is no end, so I try to be flexible. I was very pleased right before I quit WoW to have met a couple goals: got an arena ranking on my disc priest and had a more-or-less matched set of gear on my rogue. I wanted to kill Illidan on Sephira, but though my guild killed him and I worked on the fight, I never participated in a kill. Still, it was a good run.


so there you have it!

I'm going to chain-letter this bad boy to Rivs at Way of the Chosen, Tulane at Incoming Pull, Goody at The Captain's Blog and Grimnir at Grimnir's Grudge.

Post your own or get seven years of bad luck, so says I. Readers are invited to post their own in the comments. Fellow Children of the Raven, that means you!


  1. 1. What is your current main character’s name (or names, if you play multiple games)? Explain how you chose the name.

    I typically make my toon look the way I want, and then decide what name fits, For Shennas none of my old standbys fit. As I was playing around with the random name generator I decided I liked "sh" as a first phoneme, after that I kept tinkering until something fit.

    Shennas has bluish gray eyes, he's wirey, and has pale hair, I thought he looked rather Irish so Shennas fit like a glove.

    2. What was the name of your very first character in an MMO? Explain how you chose that name.

    Can't remember, that toon I played for 2 weeks in Lineage 2. My first true toon was Izysa RunningDark from SWG. This is an example of another random name generator that I shortened or modified to my tastes.

    3. Have you kept a specific name through various games, or do you tend to change your naming habits based on the individual game?

    I have two names I've used alot (Izysa and Arran) Izysa I use for darker chars and Arran for good guys.

    4. Do you ever reserve names, planning to use them for characters that you might play later? If so, what are they and why do you hold on them?

    Izysa is reserved as we speak, Arran is not. I dont really have an urge to play order...

    Izysa is reserved because I thought I'd have a DoK as my main now he just sits there at level 11 while Shennas and my true alt Albares have all the fun.

    5. Of the three common archetypes in MMOs — tank, healer, DPS — which is your current main character?


    6. What archetype was your very first character in an MMO? Why did you choose it?

    Again I dont remember anything from Lineage 2, but in SWG it was Ranged DPS, it seemed like the easiest to jump into...

    7. Are you usually attracted to one archetype over another, or do you play them equally? Why?

    It had been Ranged DPS (rifleman in SWG, hunter in WoW) but lately I've been rolling Healer (cleric in DDO, Zealot in WAR). My alts have always been tanks (that might make a nice parody of the Willie Nelson classic "my heros have always been cowboys").

    I really like helping out my friends as a support class and it's easy to get groups. And when your tired of being squishy theres nothing like a tank!

    8. What is your favorite feature from an MMO you no longer play?

    The economy and open space in SWG...Weird as it may seem I stopped participating in combat towards the end of my SWG days. Instead I became an business man and politician. I sold pets, vehicles, made a fortune on material speculating and then started a city. It was great fun...It was also fun to feel all alone far away from cities and rebel bases, you really felt like you were on an alien planet.

    9. Is there an MMO that you would play if it was free? Which and why?

    Man IDK...SWG is ruined, I'd never go back to WOW after WAR...Maybe DDO?

    10. How do you measure the success of a character in an MMO (total kills, titles accumulated, wealth, rare items collected, level reached, etc.)?

    Warning// the following is a little sappy//
    Stories you can laugh about later with and my cousin (raesgath) still talk about our old guild on WoW, "rougues do it from behind", sniper wars in Tribes, and such...I play MMORPGS for the people you get to interact with

  2. 1. What is your current main character’s name (or names, if you play multiple games)? Explain how you chose the name.

    Wortnob. I ended up googling Orc names and found one I liked. I really like have a name that fits with who the character is and what better an orc name is that?

    2. What was the name of your very first character in an MMO? Explain how you chose that name.

    I honestly can't remember the name I ended up picking, it was a really long time ago and only played her for a small time.

    3. Have you kept a specific name through various games, or do you tend to change your naming habits based on the individual game?

    I name characters based on who they are. I mean, I couldn't really take my favorite girly names and slap that onto Wortnob and that be okay. It'd be hilarious, but not who that character is.

    4. Do you ever reserve names, planning to use them for characters that you might play later? If so, what are they and why do you hold on them?

    I always think too late to reserve a name and by the time I want to, its already reserved. I love the name Aria, but of course someone's lion is prancing around with that name. I kill that white lion every time.

    5. Of the three common archetypes in MMOs — tank, healer, DPS — which is your current main character?

    Tank. Hard as rock.

    6. What archetype was your very first character in an MMO? Why did you choose it?

    I think Druid, so healerish. It was EverQuest 2, I'm pretty sure. Again, didn't play for that long, but from what I remember I was one. I like the idea of casters and healers, but I never could get into that game enough to keep forging ahead in it. Thus the lack of remembrance it has in my mind.

    7. Are you usually attracted to one archetype over another, or do you play them equally? Why?

    I have to say that I like all the archetypes. I love Wortnob in being able to assist my team by taking all the damage. I like playing a healer, standing a bit to the side while keeping everyone alive (I have discovered however, I can't get into the healer mindset and therefore am terrible at it). I love my sorc, who kills so fast it amazing me. I haven't really played melee dps though, so I guess that one is less equal.

    8. What is your favorite feature from an MMO you no longer play?

    Again, I haven't really had much experience with other MMOs. I've never had the time nor the money to pursue these games in depth as I am now.

    9. Is there an MMO that you would play if it was free? Which and why?

    I'd like to try DDO, I remember barely putting my feet in the water with that game, but from what I hear from Shen and Raes it was interesting, just never finished.

    10. How do you measure the success of a character in an MMO (total kills, titles accumulated, wealth, rare items collected, level reached, etc.)?

    I haven't actually really thought about this. I guess my own emotion dictates how successful I feel about what I've accomplished. I mean it certainly isn't the things I collect or the level I reach, but if I leave feeling happy that I helped kick ass or terrible because my contribution wasn't enough for victory.

  3. What the hell homework!, I'll do it 2morrow, unless my dog eats it. :P
